River Park Flagpole Dedication

Post 149, along with Sheboygan Falls dignitaries, veterans and park workers. dedicated a new flagpole and brass plaque the post donated in River Park “In Memory of All Veterans”. The Post Honor Guard is assembled at the base of the flag as this dedication took place. The second picture is one of Jim Sabel an River Park Flagpole Dedication

Veteran Quilt Presentation – May, 2024

Post 149 member Dan Riviers (middle) was presented with a Veterans Quilt for all his efforts as the post membership chairman, pub manager, and local park board member (spearheaded post donation of a new flag pole/plaque) by Adjutant Chuck Stelzner (left) and Post Commander Bob Roska

Dennis Haefke – 50 years of membership

Dennis Haefke (middle) received his 50 year membership plaque from Bob Roska (left) commander and Dan Riviers (right) at our meeting in June. Sadly Dennis passed away on August 8th after battling cancer for 2 years.  Dennis held almost every officer post over this time and trained several people to take over his responsibilities prior Dennis Haefke – 50 years of membership

Membership Milestone Recognition

Plaques were presented by Post 149 Membership Chair Dan Riviers (left to right) to Roger Knutson (Viet Nam) for 50 years of membership and Richard Kosup (WWII) for 60 years of membership.

Union 18 Presentation

Post 149 Plaque was presented to Sheet Metal Workers Union 18 for the donation/installation of an air conditioner at the Post. (left to right) by Commander Bob Roska to Mathew Van Der Puy, Ken Liebenstein, Randolph Schmitt & Daniel Doebert (not shown), and Adjutant Chuck Stelzner.

Veteran’s Quilt Presentation

Presentation of Post 149 Veteran’s Quilt to Post Commander Bob Roska for over 25 years as Post Adjutant by Adjutant Chuck Stelzner

Kohler Memorial Day

Kohler Memorial Day – Post 149 (Sheboygan Falls) Honors at Kohler  cemetery led by Jim Willfahrt Honor Guard Leader (far right)